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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

DIYmodify Factsheet: Slip resistance

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Authors Barlow, G., Bridge, C.
Audience Consumers
ISBN 978-0-7334-3737-3
DOI 10.4227/169/5acae13311a5a

All new ramps and stairs in new and existing homes must be slip resistant, as set out in the Building Code of Australia (BCA). However, the BCA does not have requirements for slip resistance for bathroom floors in general housing. It is suggested that the minimum level of slip resistance that is given in this factsheet be used for your bathroom floor to help avoid slipping. New multi-dwelling buildings must also have a slip resistant path to the entry of some apartments, and to, and within, common areas of the building. These include parking garages and any gardens, pool, or shared laundry. The path to the entry of the home and interior floors within new specialised housing for older people and people with disability are also required to have slip resistant floor surfaces. This further lowers the risk of slipping for people who are at most danger of falling and being badly injured. However, for all other housing, there are no BCA requirements for slip resistant floor surfaces inside or outside the home, other than on new stairs and ramps. It is up to the owners and residents to have floors that will help them to avoid slips and falls.

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