Many people find themselves wanting or needing to modify their home but uncertain how or whether they are allowed to do so. The DIYmodify App provides information and support for making changes to a home, for comfort, safety and easier living. Despite the importance Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home modification projects had for individuals, there was very little material available to assist people to do them.
The five popular home modification items used were: handheld showers; grab rails; handrails; threshold ramps and level shower access. While there were some good videos which focussed on the ‘installation’ part of the five home modifications, there was no material which stepped people through the choices available, what to look out for, how to maintain and clean them, nor what to do if the home was not owned or was under Strata Title.
The app has been designed using a co-design team of people who have had experience in doing their own Home Modifications. It has been funded by the NSW Government through Family and Community Services, Ageing Disability and Home Care, in conjunction with the Home Modification Information Clearinghouse (HMinfo).
The DIYmodify App is a free application (app) designed for people with disability, seniors and their carers, to do their own Home Modification. The app has been developed with several accessibility features included, such as a font that is easy to read in size and shape, colour intensity with maximised contrast, and clarity of structure.
DIYmodify is an app designed to help you do your home modification. This free app has been designed to be accessible and provide the information you need to successfully complete your own home modification. The DIYmodify App gives advice on what to do if you are renting your house or your house/apartment is under Strata Title. It provides advice for seeking quotes for the actual installation of the home modification if you decide it might be best to get an outside contractor to help you.
The free DIYmodify App is available for iPhone/iPad or Android phone/tablet. Instructions and links for downloading the app are available on the website.
The free DIYmodify App is available for iPhone/iPad or Android phone/tablet. Instructions and links for downloading the app are available under the Download section of this website.
The DIYmodify App has links to a range of factsheets that provides additional information on planning and undertaking DIY home modifications. These factsheets can be downloaded free from the Factsheet section in this website:
There are also factsheets specific to five common types of Home Modification:
The DIYmodify App features stories of people who have undertaken their own DIY home modifications. There are also videos for five common types of Home Modification. These videos can be viewed in the Videos section of this website.