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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Home Modification Guidelines 2018

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Authors NSW Land and Housing Corporation
Audience Consumers, Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry

The updated Home Modification Guidelines (HMG) August 2018 incorporates comments received from key stakeholders consulted in the review process. The document informs LAHC Program staff and external Occupational Therapists of items LAHC deems as its reasonable adjustment obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and those items deemed ‘reasonable and necessary’ as the responsibility of an external provider, such as the NDIS. To expedite modification work for FACS tenants, LAHC will continue to use the HMG to guide allocating funding responsibilities for modifications. The Home Modifications Guidelines (HMG) is to assist LAHC Asset staff in managing tenant requests for home modifications to meet the disability needs of tenants before and after the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

It is not intended to be used for tenant requests for alterations to meet non-disability needs. Modifications for non-disability purposes should be assessed in accordance with the NSW Land and Housing Corportation Alterations to a Home Policy and processes. The HMG applies to all properties owned by NSW Land and Housing Corportation, whether managed by FACS or a Community Housing Provider.

The Home Modifications Guidelines (HMG) provides clear guidance as to the suitability of modification to all Land and Housing Corporation properties and the appropriate allocation of financial responsibility between Land and Housing Corporation and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
It is important to note that NSW Land and Housing Corportation deems the OT as the expert in the recommendations for the client, with the Appendix 1 being a required summary format to list their modification recommendations to assist LAHC Program staff to operationalise.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Purpose
    • The National Disability Insurance Scheme
    • LAHC Processes
    • LAHC NDIS Business Rules
  • Modification Request
    • Tenant Requests
    • Assessment of tenant requests
  • Schedule of Modifications (SoM)
  • Glossary or Terms
  • Appendix 1 – Occupational Therapist Report- Summary of Recommendations for Home Modifications

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