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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Government and Community Programs

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is one of the changes being made by the Australian Government to the aged care system to help older people stay independent and in their homes and communities for longer. The CHSP is one consolidated programme providing entry-level home support for older people who need assistance to keep living independently.

On 1 July 2015, the CHSP commenced. The CHSP consolidated the Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC) Program, planned respite from the National Respite for Carers Program, the Day Therapy Centres Program and the Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged Program.

To read the latest CHSP Manual, click here.

Department of Veterans Affairs: Aged and community care

The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) provides a variety of in-home and community support programmes focused on assisting veterans to continue living independently by supporting their health, well being, and community connection.

In certain instances DVA will fund major home modifications based upon clinical needs as assessed and prescribed by an appropriate health professional.


EnableNSW was established in 2007 to implement major reforms aimed at significantly improving equipment support services for people with a disability in NSW.

Ability Links NSW

Ability Links NSW (ALNSW) supports people with disability, their families and carers to connect with their local community to achieve their goals and aspirations, and live enriched and fulfilled lives.

Home Modifications Australia

Home Modifications Australia (MOD.A) is the national peak and industry body that represents home modification providers for the aged and people with disabilities.

Victorian State-wide Equipment Program

State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP) provides Victorian people who either have a permanent or long-term disability or are frail aged with subsidised aids, equipment and home and vehicle modifications to enhance their independence and facilitate community participation.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

This NDIS page about home modifications provides information for participants on what home modifications are and when they are considered complex, who needs to be involved in the process of assessing, approving and quoting for home modifications, as well as a list of useful contacts.