Published 2nd November 2022
This video introduces the Home Modification Information Clearinghouse (HMinfo) and describes its activities and how they relate to supporting people with disability, older people and their carers.
The Home Modification Information Clearinghouse is a free information service that helps older people, people with disability, their carers, health and building professionals make informed choices about modifications to homes that will improve people's safety, ease of access and comfort.
HMinfo is funded by the Commonwealth Government and operates out of the School of the Built Environment at UNSW Sydney.
We collate, review, develop and distribute best practice home modification knowledge including evidence-based fact sheets, research papers, and technical publications to assist individuals and providers to choose, fund and apply the right home modifications for people's needs.
Additionally, we can help consumers find products, programs and providers across Australia through our service directory and carry out their own home modifications with the assistance of mobile apps.
Subscribe to the HMinfo mailing list to receive the latest news and event information on home modifications or visit us at to find out more now.
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