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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Enabling Environments Around the World - lecture slides from Professor Ed Steinfeld

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Authors Steinfeld, E.

Enabling environments provide support for full participation among populations with diverse characteristics, including functional diversity. Stakeholders on the international, national and local levels must communicate, develop, adopt and implement best accessibility practices and policies. Enabling environments must address external constraints including affordability of the proposed solution, availability of technology and knowledge, linguistic variations and other needs
of traditionally underserved groups and regions. Policy makers must themselves be empowered through knowledge about best practices and policy guidelines to adopt and implement legislation and regulations. In this lecture Professor Steinfeld brings his experiences of enabling environements from around the world and looks at where to go next.

The slides from this lecture have been made available to HMinfo for posting on our website.

Please feel free to use them however remember to reference Professor Steinfeld as appropriate.

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