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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Occupational Therapy Guidelines for the Prescription of Bidet Equipment

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Authors Merri Health
Audience Industry

At present there is minimal research and guidelines on the topic of bidet use and installation in Australia. The intention of this document is to provide clarity, evidence and guidance to Occupational Therapists (OTs) prescribing bidets to adults and older adults. This resource also addresses adults within the bariatric range. This document first provides a summary of the gathered research on the benefits, indications and contraindications of bidet use, as well as the relevant Victorian plumbing, building and electrical compliance requirements. Following this, a flow chart has been developed, to guide Occupational Therapists through the process of assessing for and prescribing bidet equipment. Each section of this flow chart is associated with the sections in the document. Visual diagrams have been incorporated into this resource to supplement the written information, improving understanding and clarity of key concepts. 

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