Authors Communio Published 5th August 2011 Audience Authors, Consumers, Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry, Librarians/Researchers/Students
Home modifications address a complex area of need at the intersection of health, community care and housing services, policies and objectives (Jones 2008a, p. 14). Recognition of the health and social implications of appropriate housing has led home modification services in Australia to be closely associated with the Home and Community Care (HACC) program, a joint initiative of the commonwealth, state and territory governments.
In Queensland, the Department of Communities administers Home Modifications as one of the eighteen service types of the DoC’s Home and Community Care Program. The funding for the delivery of this service type is provided to Housing and Homelessness Services, also in the Department of Communities. A number of emerging changes to the strategic and administrative environment indicate that a review of the Major Home Modifications is timely.
The HACC Queensland Triennial Plan 2008-2011 (Queensland Government, 2008) describes, in broad terms, the strategic direction of the HACC program over the triennium as well as how the joint Commonwealth–State funding will be dispersed across Queensland and across a variety of service types and initiatives. This plan is in its final year.
At the same time, changes in funding and responsibility for the Program will occurfrom 1 July 2011 under the National Health and Hospital Network reforms.
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