Authors Peninsula Health Care Network Published 30th June 2015 Audience Authors, Consumers, Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry, Librarians/Researchers/Students
The intention of this resource manual is to assist occupational therapists in the prescription of home modifications for bariatric clients. At present, there is very little research to direct home modifications specifically for bariatric clients. The Australian Standards for accessible housing do not adequately capture this client population, and therefore the occupational therapist will need to incorporate a thorough occupational performance assessment of the client to guide the prescription of home modifications.This resource manual has been compiled using feedback from various building companies, advisory architectural services, equipment manufacturers/distributors/suppliers and occupational therapists across Australia, as part of a research project into the prescription of bariatric home modifications. Obesity is on the rise in Australia and throughout the developed countries of the world (Crook, 2009). With the increased prevalence of bariatric clients across all health care settings, it is important that clinicians are able to provide expert care to these clients. Clients with obesity often have complex barriers that impact on the provision of health care and their ability to participate in meaningful occupations. Occupational therapists can offer these clients a range of solutions to achieve an increased level of well being and independence in their daily lives.
This project mapped national bariatric home modification prescribing practices. The lack of consensus in bariatric definitions, uncertainty of load capacities and minimal use of clinical practice guidelines suggests that additional tools are required for occupational therapists to develop their clinical reasoning and knowledge of bariatric home modifications.
IntroductionOccupational performance assessmentResources to identify suitable home modificationsHome modification solutionsAssistive technology solutionsPotential funding sourcesResearch ProjectReferences
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