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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Understanding Aboriginal Australians for more Effective Provision of Home Modification Services

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Authors von Behrens, T.
Audience Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry, Librarians/Researchers/Students
ISBN 1 86487 876 2

This information bulletin on 'Understanding Aboriginal Australian's for More Effective Provision of Home Modification Services', includes information on policies and services relating to housing for Aboriginal Australians, in addition to information relating to communication, belief systems, housing quality and general history. The bulletin also contains a checklist to assist therapists and others when working in an aboriginal setting.

Publication History

1st edition Understanding Aboriginal Australians for more effective provision of Home Modification Services by Tanja von Behrens, May 2007.

Reprinted June 2014.

Table of Contents

  • Contents
    • Historical Context
    • Aboriginal people are not a homogenous group
    • Basic Statistics
  • Understanding Beliefs and Practices
    • Spirituality
    • Kinship Systems
    • Health Belief Systems
    • General Health Conditions
    • Disability
    • Racism
    • Flags
    • Concepts of Time and Place
    • Improving the Performance of Daily Tasks
    • Use of Spaces
    • Housing and Crowding
    • The Impact of Drugs and Alcohol
    • Aboriginal People, Policing and Welfare
    • Approaching Aboriginal People
    • Well Known Members of the Community
    • Engagement in Community Consultation processes
    • Communication
      • Names
      • Eye Contact
      • Time and Storytelling
      • Gender
      • Word Meanings
      • Understanding and Agreement
      • Questioning
      • Using an Interpreter
      • Reverence to the Deceased
  • Housing and Modification Services for  Aboriginal People
    • Assistive Technology
    • Awareness and Acceptance of Home  Modification Options
    • Alternative Care Approaches
    • Checklist
  • Contacts
  • Bibliography

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