Authors Bridge, C., Martindale, K. Published 1st November 2002 Audience Authors, Consumers, Government/NGOs/Peaks, Industry, Librarians/Researchers/Students ISBN 86487 565 8
This research directly addresses the information needs of Home Modification and Maintenance services. Information can be defined as “facts told or heard or discovered” (Hawkins, 1988) and need as the discrepancy or gap between current practice and best practice (Witkin & Altschuld, 1995).
This needs analysis aims to derive information and perceptions of values as a guide to making program decisions that will directly benefit the Home Modification and Maintenance services. We specifically aimed to better:
1st edition Information needs of Home Modification and Maintenance Services in NSW by Catherine Bridge and Katharine Martindale, November 2002. Reprinted June 2014.
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