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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Preparedness for extreme heat

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Authors Vasilakopoulou, K.
Audience Industry
ISBN 978-0-7334-3466-5

This factsheet provides information on how heatwaves affect older people and which home modifications can contribute to the safety and wellbeing of older residents during extreme heat phenomena.

It is primarily addressed to older people, their carers and allied health professionals. However, it is also relevant to young children, their parents, teachers and carers.


Table of Contents

Extreme heat and heatwaves

The impact of extreme heat on older people 

The impact of extreme heat on services and infrastructure

Heat resilient environments for older people 

Home modifications and equipment to keep older people safe from extreme heat in the house

Public “cooling shelters” during heatwaves and/or power failures 

Where can I find more information?

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