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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Lighting your Way into Home Modifications, 2nd ed.

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Authors Vasilakopoulou, K., Bridge, C.
Audience Librarians/Researchers/Students
ISBN 978-0-7334-3849-3
DOI 10.26288/5c249498d91dc

Background: The aging process causes changes in the human visual system that lead to significant decreases in mobility performance. Older people and people with vision impairments often struggle to walk around and orientate, not only in new but also in familiar environments, such as residential hallways. Lighting is one of the environmental parameters that can either improve or impair the mobility of people in residential hallways.

Objectives: To identify the characteristics of the lighting system that would enable independent and safe mobility of older people and people with vision impairments in a residential hallway.

Search Methods: Systematic search through the HMinfo Library, Google Scholar and Standard Electronic Databases to retrieve 117 scientific publications, 1 legislative document, 4 Australian Standards, 2 International Standards and 3 industry guides.

Data Collection and analysis: 117 publications were identified, and 27 studies were analysed and included in the review.

Results: The mobility performance of people with vision impairments in hallways is better in photopic, than in mesopic or scotopic conditions. Generally, within the photopic range, the higher the illuminance levels, the better the performance of the participants. Ambient lighting systems and systems that provide perceptual cues of the environment are preferred by people and lead to better performances.

Authors Conclusions: The lighting of residential hallways should be adapted to the time of day and the needs of the users, to provide safe and independent movement, without disrupting the daily rhythms of people. Hybrid lighting systems, comprising of low ambient lighting and wayfinding elements seem to be effective for mobility in mesopic and scotopic conditions.

Table of Contents



  Importance of the Review 

  Prior Review 



  Research Question

  Question Refinement Strategy

  Search Terms

  Inclusion and exclusion criteria 

  Search Strategy

Outcomes of Search 

Legislative and Regulatory Documents

Studies Analysed 

  Nationality, date and origin of studies 


  Sub-population sample & the vision impairments studied 

  Tasks studied 


  Measures and parameters investigated 

  Lighting conditions

  The effect of increased lighting levels 

  Lighting systems tested 

  Lighting control and automations 

Industry and Manufacturer Guidelines

Discussion and Future Research



Appendix 1: Standards Relevant to Lighting for Hallways to enable Safe Movement of People with Vision Impairments

Appendix 2: Matrix of Analysis 

Specialist Review Panel

Jennifer MoonGuide Dogs NSW/ACTSpecialist Panel - Industry
Emma BartleyGuide Dogs NSW/ACTSpecialist Panel - Industry
Aldyfra LukmanArchitecture Department, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPJ)Specialist Panel - Research

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