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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Designing home environments for people who experience problems with cognition and who display aggressive or self- injurious behaviour. Ed. 2

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Authors Vasilakopoulou, K., Bridge, C.
Audience Consumers
ISBN 978-0-7334-3901-8
DOI 10.26288/5deef1e78f0a4

This Consumer Factsheet gives information about elements and systems that can be used to make a home safer and more comfortable for people with cognitive impairments, presenting self-injurious or aggressive behaviour and their family members or carers.

Table of Contents

Consumer Factsheet: Designing home environments for people with problems with cognition who display aggressive or self-injurious behaviour, Ed. 2

Strategies that reduce potential triggers
Strategies to reduce the risk of property damage
Strategies to reduce the risk of harm for people
Where can I find more information?

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