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The chapter builds on the past research into home modifications and adaptations (including user information), which finds that modifications to homes do have an impact - and that the elderly are willing to - and do - undertake repairs, maintainance and modifications to their homes - with a varied association between income and modifications. This chapter presents the findings of an analysis examining whether low incomes keep elderly home-owners from making necessary home modifications. Income, homeowner status and the use of home-modifications are discussed, based on a data set obtained from the first US National Long Term Care Survey. Home owners and renters are compared, with findings being higher incentive and ability to modify own homes due to investment return and ease of modification - homeowners at the highest levels of disability are more likely to have modifications than those at the lower levels, particularly when the value of their home is higher. Renters tend to be older, less educated, poorer and more likely to be single and female - yet have more modifications in their homes than less disabled home owners at the lower levels of disability. Renters are thought to live in buildings specifically designed to be more accessible. Poor home owners have neither the income or the home equity to make modifications to their homes. There is a significant relationship between homeowners with certain chronic conditions and greater functional impairments and the presence of certain home modifications. The chapter highlights the importance of providing technical and information services to the elderly to allow them to make necessary modifications. Policy adjustments and provisions may be useful in allowing the poor, or near-poor, remain in their homes. Further analysis would yield important information about the combination of home mods and other services to enable aging in place.
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