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Rehabilitation of the older patient

Author: Squires, A.
Year: 1988
Type: Book


This book brings together the skills and experience of experts in several fields of rehabililitation of older patients. Consideration is given to when and when not to rehabilitate. Many such patients will need continuing help in the community after leaving hosptial. A positive attitude towards the rehabilitation of the older person is adopted throughout the book and the need for multi-faceted management and a team approach is emphasised. Issues covered include background medical and psychlogical information about older people, assessment, community physiotherapy and occupational therapy, community nursing and social work. There is also consideration of chiropody, the special needs of older people in ethnic minorities and involvement and support of carers.

Further Details

Publish Location London
Publisher Croom Helm
ISBN/ISSN 0709954239
Accession Number 16.1.03
Keywords older, assessment

Reads 497