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KIDSAFE - the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia - is an independent non profit organisation dedicated to preventing unintentional death and injury of children. KIDSAFE works at a national, state and local levels and in cooperation with government, industry, schools, hospitals, the media, community groups, voluntary organisations and individuals. KIDSAFE conducts public education campaigns, provides information, develops resources and initiates special projects to lift awareness of child safety issues and injury prevention. Each day in Australia 5,000 children need medical attention, 170 are admitted to hospitals and more than one child dies - all as a result of unintentional injuries. Most of these injuries occur at home and school. Despite the detail and planning that is involved in the design and construction of homes child safety is often and neglected aspect. To address this issue, Kidsafe published this guide providing detailed information on a room by room basis of how design a safer home environment to reduce accidental death and injury to children.
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