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In the era of ADA do we really have accessible bathrooms. A survey

Proceedings of the Human Factors Society

Author: Malassigne, P., Amerson, T. L.
Year: 1992
Type: Journal Article


A postal opinion survey examined several issues related to use of home modifications, bathrooms and bathroom fixtures by 783 adults with disabilities. Key research issues included the following questions: 1. What are the types of approaches and transfers to bathtubs and toilets made by non-ambulatory people, and how do they differ from the approaches and transfers of those who are semi-ambulatory? 2. How effective are grab-bars in transferring to and from the bathtub or the toilet? 3. What are the design features of the lavatory which are liked or disliked by semi and non-ambulatory users? Of those responding to the questionnaire, 60% were older than 50 years of age; so the opinions or experiences expressed may be more reflective of an older population. Of the non-ambulatory respondents, 83% used a manual chair and 17% used an electric wheelchair. Among semi-ambulatory respondents, 28% used a cane or crutches for assistance. Most respondents lived with family, and modifications were made in 69% of these homes to enhance independence in daily activities. Nearly half of the respondents were unsatisfied with their bathroom fixtures. Although there was a relatively wide range of responses depending upon the type of disability impairment of respondents, strong preferences (or dislikes) were noted for fixture designs.

Further Details

Pages 578-581
Volume v. 1
Accession Number 10.6.03
Keywords mobility, assistive device, rail, bathroom/toilet/lavatory, design, modification

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