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How do families navigate the system of long-term care alternatives? The cultural context of choice

American Sociological Association Paper

Author: Angel, J. L.
Year: 1997
Type: Journal Article


The U.S. population is growing older, & states are facing a burgeoning & ethnically diverse elderly population for which to provide long-term care. Without planning & preparation, as well as an adequate long-term care infrastructure designed to meet aging population needs, many seniors & their families will have a difficult time making informed choices about long-term care alternatives. In an examination of the process of community long-term care decision making among nondependent older individuals & their families, three questions are addressed: (1) What current strategies do elderly individuals & their families use to decide which avenue of care is best suited to them? (2) How does the array of services available for meeting an elderly person's long-term care needs vary with cultural, social-class, & family differences? (3) What channels of communication do consumers & their families use when planning for long-term care, & what information do they find most helpful? Findings shed light on how individual factors interact with system-level factors to influence the long-term care decision-making capacity of seniors & their families, & provide useful insights into how cultural factors influence consumers' assessment of their risk of becoming disabled & the sort of strategies families rely on to help their elders cope with diminished health.

Further Details

Full Title American Sociological Association paper
Accession Number 5.3.03
Keywords North Americaolderhealth improvement

Reads 680