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Focus on family care givers for individuals with dementia: implications for occupational therapy practice

Occupational Therapy International

Author: Chung, J. C. C.
Year: 1997
Type: Journal Article


Although family carers assume a pivotal role in caring for relatives with dementia, few occupational therapy studies are directed towards them (Gitlin, Corcoran & Leinmiller-Eckhardt, 1995). In this qualitative study, the researcher explored the feelings and experiences of family carers when caring for relatives with dementia. Fifteen family carers were invited to participate in two focus group interviews. Four themes emerged from the findings. First, caring duties included hands-on assistance in daily living tasks and supervision of clients' behaviours. Second, carers devised caring strategies to facilitate the caring process. Third, feelings of caregiving were fluid and complex. Finally, negative caring experiences outweighed positive ones. By understanding the unique needs of family carers, occupational therapists should include therapy to family carers as part of treating individuals with dementia. Suggested interventions include collaborative work with family carers; support groups for family carers; and education on handling techniques of cognitive impairments and behavioural changes.

Further Details

Author Address Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Full Title Occupational Therapy International
Pages 66-80
Volume 4
Issue 1
ISBN/ISSN 0966-7903
Accession Number 1998017599. Language: English. Entry Date: 19980301. Revision Date: 20091218. Publication Type: journal article
Notes research; tables/charts. Journal Subset: Allied Health; Europe; Peer Reviewed; UK & Ireland. No. of Refs: 39 ref. NLM UID: 9433361. Email: e-mail: RSJCHUNG@POLYU.EDU.HK
Electronic Resource Number 10.1002/oti.48
Remote Database Name cin20
Remote Database Provider EBSCOhost
Keywords Caregivers -- Psychosocial FactorsDementia -- TherapyCaregiver BurdenHome NursingQualitative StudiesFocus GroupsSemi-Structured InterviewRandom AssignmentAudiorecordingContent AnalysisTriangulationOccupational TherapyProfessional-Family RelationsAdultMiddle AgeAgedMaleFemaleHuman

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