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Facilitated sex and the concept of sexual need: disabled students and their personal assistants.

Disability & Society

Author: Earle, S.
Year: 1999
Type: Journal Article


This paper explores the complex issue of facilitated sex, an issue that has received very little attention by the disability movement. It draws on a small qualitative study of a personal assistance scheme in a British University and on interviews and correspondence with disabled students and personal assistants. The paper discusses the ways in which disabled students define their sexuality as a need but highlights how this view is not shared by those providing assistance. Personal assistants are more inclined to define sexuality as a sexual want and to conflate physical impairement with either asexuality or a limited potential for sexual activity.The discussion concludes by suggesting that while the issue of facilitated sex is morally complex the sexual needs of disabled people are more likely to be met, if the issues of sexuality and facilitated sex can be discussed and negotiated in a frank and open manner.

Further Details

Full Title Disability & Society
Pages 309-323
Volume 14
Issue 3
Accession Number November, 2010
Research Notes Electronic copy added 17/07/2013
Keywords United Kingdommobilityemotionalpersonal assisstantsneedssexual needs

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