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Determining consumer preferences for a cash option: Arkansas survey results

Health Care Financ Rev

Author: Simon-Rusinowitz, L., Mahoney, K. J., Desmond, S. M., Shoop, D. M., Squillace, M. R., Fay, R. A.
Year: 1997
Type: Journal Article


As long-term care (LTC) expenditures have risen, policymakers have sought ways to control costs while maintaining consumer satisfaction. Concurrently, there is increasing interest within the aging and disability communities in consumer-directed care. The Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) seeks to increase consumer direction and control costs by offering a cash allowance and information services to persons with disabilities, enabling them to purchase needed assistance. The authors present results from a telephone survey conducted to assess consumer preferences for a cash option in Arkansas and describe how findings from the four-State CCDE can inform consumer information efforts and policymakers.

Further Details

Full Title Health Care Financ Rev
Pages 73-96
Volume 19
Issue 2
ISBN/ISSN 0195-8631 (Print) 0195-8631 (Linking)
Notes Using Smart Source Parsing Winter

Reads 353