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Client-centred home modifications improve daily activity performance of older adults

Can J Occup Ther

Author: Stark, S., Landsbaum, A., Palmer, J. L., Somerville, E. K., Morris, J. C.
Year: 2009
Type: Journal Article


BACKGROUND: Remaining at home is a high priority for many older adults, but the capacity to "age in place" often is threatened by environmental barriers. PURPOSE: To describe a client-centred occupational therapy home modification intervention program and examine the impact of the intervention on daily activity performance over time. METHODS: Using a competence-environmental press framework, a client-centred home modification program for older adults was implemented. In this quasiexperimental, single group prospective study, participants'subjective ratings of daily activity performance were evaluated before and after the intervention (baseline/post/post). FINDINGS: After home modification, participants'perception of their daily activity performance at home improved significantly and was maintained 2 years post-modification. IMPLICATIONS: Home modification may benefit older adults attempting to age in place.

Further Details

Full Title Can J Occup Ther
Pages 235-45
ISBN/ISSN 0008-4174 (Print) 0008-4174 (Linking)
Notes Using Smart Source Parsing Jul;76 Spec
Work Type Research Support, N I H , Extramural Research Support, Non-U S Gov't Research Support, U S Gov't, P H S

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