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Client-centered case management

Journal of Case Management

Author: Leutz, W., Sciegaj, M., Capitman, J.
Year: 1997
Type: Journal Article


With funding from the Administration on Aging, the National Resource Center: Diversity and Long-Term Care surveyed state administrators of programs serving elders in 24 states in 1994. This survey sought to document what written guidelines and training case managers receive in promoting client autonomy in care planning. In discussions with respondents and review of written materials provided by the states, surveyors explored whether clients received written information about services, the structure for seeking client input into care planning, and the structure for soliciting client feedback once the care plan was in place. Of the states included in this survey, few have developed and implemented guidelines or provide case managers training to promote client autonomy in the care-planning process. After reviewing the survey findings, the authors make two policy recommendations for states to consider in this area.

Further Details

Pages 18-24
Volume 6
Issue 1
Accession Number 20.5.03
Keywords North America, older, health improvement, policy compliance

Reads 543