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Aging, socioeconomic development, and aging policy in Iceland

International Sociological Association paper

Author: Wieland, D.
Year: 1990
Type: Journal Article


Iceland presents an unusual case of an industrialized Western society having undergone both demographic transition & socioeconomic development recently & rapidly. Demographic changes are pressing increasing levels of need & demand on formal & informal geriatric services. With industrialization & attendant development has come a transformation in the relationship between basic cultural values embodied in the idea of the individual (emphasizing disparate themes of personal responsibility & obligation, autonomy, & independence) & notions of collective rights & obligations associated with increasing social stratification. These changes are explored in relation to the current & planned system of geriatric services. Discussion will address the future balance of public & private financing, & formal & informal caregiving. It is expected that broad support will remain for public services & financing, & that policy will continue to be sensitive to the capabilities & preferences of elderly Icelanders & their families.

Further Details

Accession Number 3.6.03
Keywords olderpolicy compliance

Reads 418