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Ageism, disability and access to environmental interventions

Technology and Disability

Author: Liebig, P. S., Sheets, D. J.
Year: 1998
Type: Journal Article


Recent advances in medicine, rehabilitation and public health have increased life expectancy and caused the prevalence of disability to rise. These trends have resulted in a convergence between the aging and disability populations; more older adults are experiencing onset of disability in later life and more persons with life-long disability are living into old age. Environmental interventions, including assistive technology (AT) and home modification (HM), are an important strategy for maintaining independence, productivity and community participation. However, older adults remain underserved in AT and HM. This article suggests that the lingering effects of 'ageism' and 'structural lag' in aging and disability policies and programs limit the access of older adults with disability to environmental interventions. Major policies influencing access to environmental interventions by older adults with disability and recent trends in AT/HM research, policy and practice are described. Strategies for improving the access of older adults to AT/HM services are suggested.

Further Details

Full Title Technology and Disability
Pages 69-84
Volume 8
Issue 1-2
Accession Number December, 2010
Keywords older, health, mobility, legislation

Reads 473