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A descriptive-exploratory study of factors associated with morale among the elderly was undertaken on a purposive sample of all black (number of cases = 55) & white (number of cases = 73) participants of a community-wide Congregate Meals Program for the aged in a traditional southern city of 103,000. Data were gathered through an in-person questionnaire relating to health, housing, nutrition, & social services. The measure for the dependent variable-morale-was derived from the Life Satisfaction Scale (Neugarten, B. et al, 'The Measurement of Life Satisfaction, Journal of Gerontology, 1961, 16, 134-143). The level of morale scores was found to be high. Racial differences were conditional only in the oldest black group, suggesting that work in differentiating phases within the developmental process of aging should be continued, refined, & applied to various ethnic groups. Health-related factors bore a strong relationship to morale. Quality of housing was not related because neighborhood attachment suppressed its association. Use of the Congregate Meals Program was not associated with morale. A major concomitant of high morale for the entire sample, however, was the use of social services, particularly those that tangibly assist the elderly in maintaining their physical & social mobility.
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