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Translating high quality research specific to better design and building practice

Access rails for lady with mobility impairment

Last Updated
Case Type Assessment
Accomodation Setting Private-owned/purchasing
HACC Letters of Name ARVAR
Date of Intervention 30/06/2012
Total time Involved in provision of Intervention 3 hours
Current Problems Comfort, Independence, Safety
Expected Outcomes Comfort, Independence, Safety


This client is a lady in her 90's who lives in her own home in Sydney. She is well supported by her son and daughter in law and their family. She presented as alert and oriented and is very much managing her own affairs.

Functional Limitations

Diagram of the client's functional limitations
  • Lack of coordination
  • Prevalance of poor balance
  • Reliance on walking aids

Activity Details

Activities Impaired Mobility, Stairs
Equipment Provided/Avaliable single point walking stick
Activities Enabled Mobility, Stairs

Home Details

Area of Residence New South Wales
Accomodation Setting Private-owned/purchasing

Rail Attachment Diagram



Three steps to porch. One step into house.

Nil rails in place. Client ascends and descends using a garden fork for support.



Two steps - Nil hand rail in place. Client ascends and descends with some difficulty.



Flat internally.



Combination space with shower over corner bath, toilet and vanity unit.

Currently gets in and out of corner bath (low walled) using a rail for support. Discussion about this area / safety etc was had and client prefers to keep things as they are.


As above.



At front of house. Single bed – client reports able to sit to stand independently.



Client tends to sit in main room on low chair. This lady is quite petite and low chairs etc do not seem to pose any difficulties.

Reads 7290