Published 15th May 2020
To get the best value out of your home make sure that it will meet your needs and those who live with you not only now but also in years to come.
This could be as simple as being able to push a pram easily into and around the house, or the more complex task of getting in and out of a wheelchair to access the shower.
Rethinking universal design on the Build Magazine website describes how Australian research has shown that a new home has a 60 per cent chance that someone with a permanent disability will live in it during its expected 80-year lifetime.
Regardless of age or ability, every house design should factor in the competing demands of size versus functionality. In other words, is it big enough for the needs of the occupants, without being so big that it is unaffordable to build or run. Often the key is good design with the right spaces in the most useful places.
Related Link Smart Guide to designing an Adaptable Home
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