Published 8th July 2021
The second independent assessment pilot closed on 31 May 2021, having completed 3,762 assessments.This means we’ve heard from participants and their families, carers and assessors about their experiences. This feedback will form part of our evaluation which will be released publically in coming weeks.Although the pilot has ended, we will continue to offer voluntary independent assessments to participants.We are doing this so we can continue to collect data from a broad range of participants, to reflect the 460,000 participants in the NDIS today. This feedback will also help us inform our proposed reforms.More informationVoluntary independent assessments will continue to be offered to participants who had already opted in to the second independent assessment pilot.Participants will be reimbursed $150 for their time and also receive a copy of their independent assessment.Voluntary independent assessments will not be used to make any planning decisions and will not be used to develop a draft plan. Choosing to have a voluntary independent assessment will not change your current or future plans. It will not be shared with anyone unless you choose to share it.
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, NDIS (
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