Published 2nd June 2022
In 2021‑22, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service delivery has been impacted by COVID-19, floods and more, resulting in under-delivery and unspent funds.
The acquittal process in July/August 2022 will give the department insight into actual underspends as at 30 June 2022. We will advise further on unspent funds in September 2022.
Until otherwise advised, CHSP providers should operate on the basis that the department may seek to recover all unspent funds, in line with contractual arrangements, excluding support for the movement to payment in arrears.
Eligible, directly contracted CHSP providers with minimal or no projected underspends may apply to receive transition funding through a targeted grant round. This will be advertised on GrantConnect, with funding provided from mid to late July 2022.
(As published in the Aged Care Update #10)
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