Published 11th December 2012
December 2012
The Dementia Centre | HammondCare
Going to stay at home?
The Dementia Centre is initiating an innovative programme to support people living with dementia and their carers to live longer and better at home. This project is funded by the Australia Federal Government Department of Health and Ageing, as part of the Aged Care Services Improvement and Healthy Ageing Flexible Fund. Research shows that carers who recieve support early when caring for someone with dementia are able to to care for their loved one at home longer and cope better physically and emotionally.
Going to Stay at Home is an intensive week-long, residential training programme for family carers and the people they care for.
Click here for more information about Going to stay at home.
If you know of any family carers of people living with dementia who may benefit from this program, please contact Julie Paterson, Project Coordinator on 1300 334 017 or email
We need your ideas!
The Dementia Centre recently launched 10 helpful hints for dementia design at home, an easy-to-read guide for carers of people with dementia. The book provides simple and practical design solutions for adapting the living environment for people with dementia so that they can live independently for as long as possible. We are now working on a second edition of the book for publication in early 2013. We would like feedback on the current edition, and ideas from people with dementia and carers about other helpful hints to include. Your ideas and feedback will also guide our future research on dementia design at home, so please take a few minutes to fill out our short form.
Christmas Sale!
Are your dementia design skills up to date?
Are you planning on renovating your facility/dementia specific unit next year?
Do you have powerful tools to help convince the Board, Finance team or architects of design fundamentals?
During December 2012, The Dementia Centre is offering huge discounts on all of our books.
Buy a book pack and get over 40% off! Buy an individual book and get up to 30% off!
Visit our online shop now!
Plan your team's professional development
Feedback from our education events in 2012 has been so positive that we have added to our schedule of study days for 2013. One-day study days around Australia for 2013 will cover:
The next International Dementia Design School is in Sydney, 13-15 February 2013, at HammondCare’s new Miranda facility. We will also run the first International Dementia Design School in Auckland, New Zealand on 10-12 April 2013. If you want more information on the study days or International Dementia Design Schools, or would like to book in, visit our education pages.
Want to broaden your knowledge too?
The Dementia Centre in collaboration with the University of Stirling (UK), is offering a one year Graduate Certificate in Dementia Studies. The aim of this course is to provide participants with an in-depth, research-based knowledge of dementia, including theory, best practice, innovation and policy as well as developing an academic and research grounding. Applications close in 7 days! To read more of the interview with Keith and find out more about post-graduate studies in Dementia, click here. You can also email with any questions.
From the Director:
It’s been a busy year at The Dementia Centre. Our International Dementia Conference Risky Business in June 2012 and number of International Dementia Design Schools were just some of the highlights. We have added 5 new books to our HammondPress bookstore including 10 Helpful Hints for Dementia Design at Home, Night time care: a practice guide and Designing outdoor spaces for people with dementia. Our work in Singapore, Japan, Thailand, USA, UK, New Zealand and across Australia has been exciting and is shaping the priorities for our research and practice development in 2013. The team has also grown in size and capacity; our associate colleague Professor Mary Marshall's visit has in November helped plan for our 2013 environmental design work, including in the area of thermal management. The addition of an Associate Consultant Engineer and International Director will ensure we have the capacity and capabilities moving forward. The Dementia Centre team wish you all a merry and safe festive season and look forward to working with you in 2013. With best regards, Colm
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