Published 2nd July 2012
New resources for Home and Community Care service providers to deliver safe services to bariatric clients.
The website provides Work Health and Safety (WHS) risk management information, tools and resources for Home and Community Care (HACC) service providers who deploy a workforce into the client's home.
Bariatrics (care of morbidly obese clients) is an emerging risk area for HACC service providers.
A new section of the website is being launched which presents a suite of tools and resources relating to the safe care of bariatric clients in HACC.
The tools are designed to be easily adaptable for use in organisational WHS risk management procedures.
The site provides links to existing information and best practice tools.
The resources on the site include checklists, toolbox talks, brochures for
clients and staff, fact sheets, sample policies, guidelines, safe work procedures and more.
Topics include client factors, equipment, environment/ vehicle design, communication, manual handling and staff and organisational factors.
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For more information contact:
Ageing, Disability and Home Care Strategic Human Resources Workforce Safety
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