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Take your pick: NDIS or aged care?


The federal government will amend the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Bill to make it clear: people who join the scheme early in life will not get shut out of the system when they turn 65 years old.

Announced by team Gillard yesterday, the government proposes a number of amendments, including a clarification that all NDIS participants will be able to choose to remain in the scheme after they turn 65.

The move follows a government back flip on a previous decision, originally outlined in the NDIS Bill, to cancel people’s disability benefits after they turn 65 and move to the aged care system.

The clarification is said to have been issued to provide certainty to disability advocacy and support groups which expressed concern that an NDIS cut-off point could also cut off funding for disability services to those aged 65 years and over, not on the scheme.

International Symbol of Access (reversed)

The new bill will also clearly state that people with a disability who need early intervention therapies and supports, including for degenerative conditions, will be able to access the NDIS as long as they are not better served by other systems.

Existing services for older Australians, such as hearing and vision services, that complement the assistance available through aged care will also continue to provide supports to people who develop a disability after age 65.


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