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Smoke Alarm Legislation


The Regulation amendment, which commenced on 1 May 2006, requires property owners to ensure smoke alarms are installed in existing premises where people sleep. Property owners have six months to adjust to the new alarm installation requirements. As of 1 May 2006, however, it is an offence to remove or interfere with any smoke alarm or heat alarm that is already installed unless it is to repair, maintain or replace the alarm.

The Home Modification Information Clearinghouse has put together an information bulletin about Hard-Wired and Unwired Smoke Alarms and is currently recieving feedback from industry experts. This publication will soon be available on the HMinfo website. 

To view the Building Legislation Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Bill 2005 click here.

There is also a planning circular available for viewing to provide further information for councils regarding the implementation of the act.

The SABRE program - Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement for the Elderly - sees the New South Wales Fire Brigades forming partnerships with other community organisations to assist senior citizens in the maintenance of their fire safety devices. Primarily their battery operated smoke alarms. To find out more about the SABRE program click here.

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