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Slip Resistance of Ramps


A new edition of Industry Factsheet: Slip Resistance of Ramps is now available on the HMinfo website.  This factsheet can assist ‘Do It Yourself’ consumers and home modification providers to choose ramp floor materials that comply with slip resistance requirements in the 2016 National Construction Code (NCC 2016).

Accompanying the factsheet, is a new list of examples of floor materials that could be deemed-to-satisfy the slip resistance requirements for wet surface ramps, in the NCC 2016. The slip resistance classifications deemed-to-satisfy the NCC 2016 requirement for slip resistant ramps are based on testing by a NATA accredited testing organisation, in accordance with Australian Standard AS 4586.  The materials in this list of examples have been tested to AS 4586, so test reports can be obtained from the supplier when confirming the slip resistance of materials that are being considered for a ramp floor surface.

Other outdoor floor materials with a slip resistance classification that meets the deemed-to-satisfy slip resistance requirements for ramps in NCC 2016 can be added to this list of examples, by contacting HMinfo at

Some ramp floor materials have slip resistance classifications resulting from testing to other Standards or the testing organisation is not accredited by NATA. Although not a deemed-to-satisfy solution for NCC 2016, floor materials showing suitable slip resistance in these other tests might potentially form part of an ‘alternative performance solution’ for meeting the ramp slip resistance requirements in NCC 2016.

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