Published 22nd November 2013
Significant development in relation to the NDIS
There has been a significant development in relation to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in NSW.The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NSW Enabling) Bill 2013 has been passed by the NSW Parliament. By the end of the NDIS transition period in 2018, the NSW Government will no longer deliver disability services or basic community care supports, as this transfers to the non-government sector. The legislation relates to the transfer of services from Government to the non-government sector and is designed to achieve three critical objectives:• ensuring maximum continuity of services for people with disability as they make decisions about their future, • promoting the retention of a skilled disability services workforce to continue to provide that support, and • enabling the transfer of assets into the new disability sector. The legislation allows consideration of a range of possible future scenarios for this transition of government services. It will ensure the Department of Family and Community Services – Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) can work with its diverse groups of staff and clients to put in place a model that respects the differences across the organisation. Importantly, it also allows ADHC to progress discussions regarding service transition with the non-government sector in an open and transparent environment. ADHC will, of course, continue to work closely with service providers on the broader NDIS transition when the parameters for full scheme have been negotiated with the Commonwealth.A significant level of growth in the NSW disability sector is needed to deliver on the promise of the NDIS and this legislation allows all parties to work together to unlock the opportunities inherent in the NDIS for every segment of the sector. It is vital that all sector participants work collaboratively to build broad community understanding of the valuable role of the non government sector in the Australia’s disability sector – today and in the future of the NDIS. A key priority is the collective role in providing support and continuity for people with disability during the transition into the NDIS. The Department is communicating the intent of the Bill to staff and clients, as well as responding to the many questions that individuals have about how this will affect them. Ongoing and regular communication, as well as a process of consultation, will be ongoing and no doubt span many years until full rollout of the NDIS occurs.
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