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Research article: Asbestos exposure during home renovation in New South Wales


Asbestos exposure during home renovation in New South Wales *


Australia has the highest per-capita rates of asbestos-related diseases in the world and approximately 15% of all dwellings built prior to 1987 reportedly contain asbestos or fibro materials.

This article provides the first detailed survey of self-reported asbestos exposure in home renovations in NSW. From a significant sample almost 54% of people who did their own renovations (DIY) reported that they had been exposed to asbestos whilst doing this work. Given the increase in DIY the article has identified a major risk to the health of DIY renovators and their families, and provides a compelling argument for further action to be taken to prevent future asbestos-related disease in the residential sector. 

The Federal Government has released a National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Awareness and Management to prevent exposure and eliminate asbestos-related disease in Australia. This research suggests that strategies to address the problem of asbestos in residential dwellings are urgently required.

* Park, E. K., Yates, D. H., Hyland, R. A., & Johnson, A. R. (January 01, 2013). Asbestos exposure during home renovation in New South Wales. The Medical Journal of Australia, 199, 6, 410-3.

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