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Release of "Companion Guide to Community Care Workforce Resource"


You may recall that late last year ADHC release the “Community Care Workforce Resource”. This was a guide for developing local and regional workforce initiatives. It was developed for use by individuals or organisations involved in promoting the community care sector, improving sector recruitment and staff retention rates, and providing learning and development opportunities within the sector.

A companion to the Resource providing practical examples of successful local and regional initiatives is now available. The companion Guide was developed by Aged and Community Services Association of NSW & ACT Inc. The Guide includes examples (and contact details) from a wide range of organisations, including: 

  • small, medium and large organisations; 
  • Metro, regional and rural organisations; 
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations; and 
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse organisations.  

The companion Guide as well as the original Resource can be obtained from the ADHC community Care Workforce webpage (Archived).

Hard copies of the Companion Guide will be available via HACC development officers and HACC training officers in February 2013.  For more information please contact your local development officer / training officer.  

The aforementioned community Care Workforce webpage also provides links to a new website concerning the provision of safe care to bariatric clients.  This site, which was launched in June 2012, contains a suite of “best practice” tools developed by ADHC for supporting bariatric clients in the home and in the community.

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