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Queensland partners with horizon-2020 for a project entitled 'My Active and Healthy Ageing'


Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. Horizon 2020  has just funded Prof Smith from Queenslands University of the Sunshine Coasrt, as a Chief Investigator on a €4,3M European Horizon2020 grant, My Active and Healthy Ageing. Prof Smith is acknowledged as a leading international researcher in the areas of telehealth technology and the development of interactive digital technologies that can be applied to health.


Queenslanders to join global project developing ICT for independent ageing

Researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast have received almost half-a-million dollars in Commonwealth funding to participate in a large European-run international trial that is developing and testing technology to help older people stay in their homes.

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