Published 29th April 2021
The Australian Government has revised the COVID-19 vaccine pathways for workers in residential aged care, as agreed at the National Cabinet meeting on 22 April 2021. The revised rollout aims to make it as easy as possible for workers to get vaccinated quickly and safely.
National Cabinet agreed that:
The Department of Health has developed a factsheet and infographic to support residential aged care workers to understand where and how they can access a vaccination. This includes detailed information on the options available.
The factsheet is currently being translated into 19 languages.
An information pack has been distributed to all residential aged care facilities with materials for distribution to their workforce.
In summary:
Residential aged care workers 50 years and over can access an AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at:
Residential aged care workers under 50 can access a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at:
Information on state and territory vaccination clinics and participating GPs can be accessed through the COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Checker. If you can't find details for nearby clinics, please check regularly as the listings will be updated as clinics become available.
The COVID-19 vaccine dose policy has been updated in line with current medical advice recommending Pfizer as the preferred COVID-19 vaccine for people aged under 50.
With the exception of residents, individuals aged under 50 should be prioritised to receive excess Pfizer doses in residential aged care, while still ensuring prioritisation principles are followed as below:
Any residents who have not provided advance consent, however are able to provide consent on the day of vaccination, including respite residents who are expected to be at the RACF at the time for the second dose.
Individuals aged under 50:
Residential aged care facilities should ensure they adhere to these new guidelines by following the updated COVID-19 vaccine dose policy published on the Department of Health website.
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (
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