Published 10th June 2021
Reminder: the Victorian Government Department of Health has produced residential aged care facility COVID-19 advice for assisting with zoning and wayfinding:
These documents are available on the Victorian Government Department of Health Infection Prevention Control webpage, under Aged Care, together with a range of other useful infection prevention and control resources.
If you have any questions about this content, please contact the Victorian Government Department of Health Infection Prevention Control team via email at:
NSW Health has updated advice as of 2 June 2021 for residential aged care facilities and home care services. Key updates include:
NSW aged care providers can stay up to date with the latest information from NSW Health.
The ACT Chief Health Officer has issued an updated alert regarding the COVID-19 situation in other Australian states and territories. Please read the 2 June 2021: CHO alert for new information, the key information includes:
ACT aged care providers can find out more information from ACT Government.
A reminder that with Victoria’s recent lockdown, people living, working and caring in the aged care sector may be experiencing grief and trauma due to the lockdowns. They may have past trauma that is triggered by lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions, as well as feelings of grief reacting to the loss of experiences, events, people and routines important to them.
The Australian Government has invested in a Grief and Trauma Support Program to help those impacted by COVID-19 across the aged care sector to provide:
We understand the serious emotional and psychological trauma that COVID-19 has had on people living in residential aged care, as well as their loved ones, and the staff providing care and support.
Many people may be suffering grief from the death of a loved one due to COVID-19. Grief can also be experienced without involving death. Many people living and working in aged care facilities who didn’t have COVID-19 outbreaks may be still feeling grief caused by the lockdowns and social distancing. This kind of grief could be from missing visitors, experiences, pets, routines, and loss of important life events. People in and around aged care may also be experiencing trauma as a response to traumatic incidents, isolation, physical distancing, COVID-19 hotspot lockdowns, ongoing uncertainty and visitor restrictions.
This grief, loss and trauma support is free and available nationally for aged care residents and home care recipients; their families, friends, family of choice, loved ones, community visitors and representatives. Please also encourage your aged care staff to make use of the support services and resources, including videos, guidance and self-care strategies.
A brochure and poster raising awareness of the supports available for download are on the Department’s grief and trauma COVID-19 support services page.
Phoenix Australia, who are experts in post-traumatic mental health, have developed several fact sheets for older people, people living with dementia, older veterans, family and loved ones, and aged care workers. The fact sheets address trauma, loss and grief, and self-care. They are available in English and a range of languages on their trauma and aged care – support and information hub.
For more information, contact .
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (
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