Published 14th July 2020
Aged care providers located in areas of Victoria where there is an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases are currently facing increased challenges. Thank you for the work you are doing to protect senior Australians and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
We encourage you to test your outbreak management plan and infection control protocols to prevent and minimise the spread of COVID-19. For residential aged care providers this includes implementing screening of staff and visitors entering the facilities.
It is critical that all providers actively promote the importance of infection prevention to staff, residents and visitors. This includes good hand hygiene, coughing etiquette, cleaning and disinfecting and maintaining social distancing.
Aged care workers are reminded not go to work if they are feeling unwell, even if experiencing very mild symptoms, and be tested for COVID-19. This will protect them, other workers, residents, care recipients and the broader community.
To support residential aged care providers the national guidelines for infection prevent and control have been recently updated and are available on the Department’s website.
A new factsheet is available that steps out what to do in the first 24 hours of an outbreak at a residential aged care facility.
In addition, new resources prepared by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission are available to support Victorian residential and home care providers to be ready and alert to respond to a COVID-19 outbreak.
Victorian services that have a COVID-19 case must immediately contact the Victorian Public Health Unit (PHU) on 1300 651 160 and the Commonwealth Department of Health by emailing: .
In the event of an outbreak, the Commonwealth Department of Health, Victorian Office will appoint a case manager who can assist with:
If you need emergency support you can contact the Commonwealth Department of Health, Victorian Office on 1800 078 709.
Workforce surge is available if you experience a COVID-19 outbreak. The Department has engaged four organisations to support providers to access surge workforce.
Workforce accessed through these arrangements will be funded by the Australian Government either up-front or providers will be able to seek reimbursement of costs via the COVID-19 Aged Care Support Grant Program.
The Aged Care Workforce Support FAQs have been updated to reflect the full suite of workforce surge options available.
With only two weeks to go, a reminder to lodge your applications for eligible staff for the Aged Care Workforce Retention Bonus Payment by 20 July 2020.
Information regarding this grant opportunity can be found on the GrantConnect website. To prevent delay in processing, please ensure that you attach the Staffing Profile Spreadsheet that is available on the GrantConnect website.
Further information can be found in the FAQs for providers and agencies and for aged care workers.
For any provider enquiries on the application please submit your question by email to .
The mental health and wellbeing of senior Australians is a priority during this time. There are a range of supports available and providers are reminded to encourage care recipients to access these if they are feeling isolated, worried or need someone to talk to.
Community Visitors Scheme
The Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line - 1800 171 866
Friend Line telephone support service - 1800 4 CHATS (1800 424 287)
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service - 1800 512 348
Wellbeing checks are available over the phone to senior Australians who have elected they may need some extra support during the COVID-19 pandemic. The wellbeing check service is available to all home care and CHSP recipients, not just those who have paused their services.
To help senior Australians stay in touch with friends and family:
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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