Published 5th May 2020
The Government has announced a range of support measures to assist aged care providers as part of the response to COVID-19. These measures have been designed to recognise additional costs and to ensure continuity of care for older Australians in the event of a COVID-19 case or outbreak.
If your organisation is affected by COVID-19 (care recipient/staff infected or need to isolate because of exposure to COVID-19) you should take the following steps: Step 1 - Attempt to fill vacancies through your usual channels such as looking at rostering arrangements; working with other providers to identify available staff; going to organisations to get agency staff
Residential aged care providers may be eligible for reimbursement for direct costs associated with managing COVID-19 workforce impacts. You can only submit a grant application once your facility has resolved all COVID-19 cases. Details of eligibility and how to apply are available on GrantConnect.
Step 2 - After you have tried everything and you are still not be able to fill vacant positions, you may be eligible to source workforce through Mable online platform.
You can also use the Mable platform to find staff at any time as it is a workforce source that can be used to fill vacancies even if a provider is not affected by COVID-19. This can occur without coming through My Aged Care, however, you will be responsible for the cost of these staff.
It is important to urgently advise your public health unit and us on if you have any confirmed COVID-19 cases of either residents/care recipients or workers in your facility, service or program. If a significant outbreak occurs in a residential aged care service and you find you can no longer continue to deliver your operations safely or support care recipients, the Department will contact you to assist with emergency support arrangements including through;
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) has developed a Jobs Hub to link businesses that have vacancies they need to fill, with Australians looking to work.
If your aged care organisation is looking to fill vacancies then you can email and provide the following information:
This information will then be available on the Jobs Hub for job seekers to search and apply for.
This is a free service that can be used by all aged care providers.
If your organisation is directly impacted by COVID-19, then you may still be eligible to apply for the aged care workforce measures listed above.
The Federal Government is helping more Senior Australians access personal monitoring technology during self-isolation. At the push of a button or via automated technology, the monitoring systems send an alert to a staffed centre or family.
Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians Richard Colbeck said Commonwealth Home Support Programme service providers are being given additional flexibility to fund monitoring services.
This will include monitoring subscriptions for one year. Older Australians in receipt of home care packages will also be able to access the technology.
“These personal monitoring systems allow a person to seek help even when they can’t use a phone,” Minister Colbeck said.
“They can provide peace of mind and a sense of security to vulnerable senior people and their families and carers during self-isolation.
“Even though the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Australia has dropped to lower levels, this pandemic is far from over.
“Ensuring vulnerable people can get help when they need it, is a top priority during this difficult time.
Service providers will be able to choose from a range of monitoring and alert services available on the market, many of which have indicated an ability to expand their operations during the COVID-19 crisis.
Read the Minister’s full statement here.
A new Older Person’s COVID-19 Support Line has been set up to provide information, support and check on older Australians during the period of social distancing measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. COTA Australia, National Seniors, Dementia Australia and the Older Person’s Advocacy Network have banded together to deliver this service with support from the Australian Government.
Senior Australians, their families and carers can freecall 1800 171 866 if they:
Home care services providers can also use the number and dial option 1 to refer home care clients who would like a call from an independent organisation to check on their wellbeing.
The service will include outbound and inbound calls to provide contact, reassurance and practical advice on connecting to services to maximise social engagement and wellbeing whilst at home.
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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