Published 3rd June 2021
Providers are asked to urgently review this letter from the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly providing the strong recommendation that residents and staff in residential aged care settings be vaccinated as quickly as possible against COVID-19, and advice provided by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) that the 14-day interval between influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations can be shortened.
Please read the letter and brief your co-workers and residents accordingly.
Australian Government grant funding is now available to support residential aged care providers to implement single site workforce arrangements in Greater Melbourne in accordance with the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer’s declaration.
The grant funding will be available for out of pocket costs incurred during an initial two week period, from 27 May 2021 to 10 June 2021. If the hotspot declaration is extended, these arrangements will also be extended. Providers are asked to adjust their rosters and ensure staff are only working at one residential aged care facility during this time.
A reminder that employers should ensure their workers are not financially disadvantaged during this period and that they continue to receive the income they may have received from other residential aged care providers. Where this results in additional out of pocket costs for the primary employer, reimbursement can be sought through the grant application process. The Support for Aged Care Workers in COVID-19 (SACWIC) grant opportunity remains open until 30 December 2021.
In addition to funding support, providers can also access guidance on practical implementation of single site arrangements, including employee relations expertise, through the Guiding Principles Support Hub website or hotline on 1800 491 793.
For all Victorian residential aged care facilities the following requirements apply from 11:59pm 27 May 2021:
Enhanced visitor restrictions No visitors are permitted into aged care or other sensitive settings, except for end-of-life reasons or other specified purposes. End of life care visits
Specified purposes:
Restriction for specified visits
Recommendation for remote / electronic visits:
Visits from prospective residents are not permitted.
Enhanced face mask requirements
Other measures
It is anticipated geographic locations and exposure sites will be updated in coming days. Please monitor the DHHS coronavirus website regularly.
Please see the updated alert from the ACT Chief Health Officer regarding the COVID-19 situation in other Australian states and territories.
The screening advice for residential aged and home care services has been updated for 27 May 2021.
The key messages for this update are:
The state of Victoria is currently considered an affected area and there are new places of high concern.Staff should be excluded if in the last 14 days they have been in:
Any staff who have been to Greater Melbourne or the City of Greater Bendigo in the last 14 days (excluding the airport alone) must wear a surgical mask in the facilityVisitors should be excluded from visiting residential aged care facilities who in the previous 14 days have been in:
From 1am AEST 28 May 2021, all of Victoria will be declared a COVID-19 Hotspot. Anyone who has been in an interstate area of concern or a hotspot including Victoria in the last 14 days cannot enter a residential aged care facility.
Please refer to the QLD Government website for more information about exceptions to this Direction.
Effective 8.25pm 24 May 2021, those who have visited or have travelled from the public exposure sites listed on the Victorian Department of Health website are subject to restrictions on entering a residential aged care facility.
For more information on exposure sites and specific requirements, visit the SA Government page.
Visits to residential aged care facilities are not permitted if a person has been in an area or premises identified as medium or high-risk for COVID-19 in the previous 14 days. For more information please visit the Tasmanian Government website.
As the COVID-19 situation can change rapidly, aged care providers are reminded to stay up to date on visitor restrictions, PPE requirements and other measures relating to COVID-19 in aged care, from their relevant state or territory website below:
PPE Aged care providers are asked to ensure they have a sufficient supply of PPE, to use their own supply of PPE first and to request extra supply as and when needed. If you urgently need PPE and cannot source it, please submit an online application. The application will need to be completed for your request to be considered. The Commonwealth is prioritising requests for PPE from the National Medical Stockpile to aged care services that are most in need.
Further information and advice
Please visit the Australian Government Department of Health website for information and resources to assist in preparing and managing a COVID-19 outbreak, including what to do in the first 24 hours of an outbreak in a residential aged care facility.
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (
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