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Protecting Older Australians - COVID-19 Update 23 April 2021


South Australian flu vaccination requirements

The South Australian government has directed that all staff and visitors to a residential aged care facility must be vaccinated against 2021 seasonal influenza by 1 June 2021.

In addition, the Australian COVID-19 vaccination program is currently underway in RACFs. COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary, but strongly encouraged for both residents and staff.

Providers are advised that if a residential aged care facility is unable to access an adequate supply of the influenza vaccine by 1 June 2021, or an employee or contractor is unable to receive the influenza vaccination by 1 June 2021 due to the timing of their COVID-19 vaccination:

  • The facility must notify the Department for Health and Wellbeing within two business days of 1 June 2021 to advise that staff have not been able to be vaccinated due to the above reasons (include the timing of COVID-19 vaccinations being offered to staff, where applicable).
  • This notification should be made by email to
  • The facility must take all reasonable steps to ensure that all staff are vaccinated as soon as reasonably practicable after 1 June 2021, or following the preferred minimum interval of 14 days between administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine.

Attached to this newsletter is a letter about the influenza vaccination and a reporting template seeking 2021 vaccination information for South Australian providers.


Free webinar: trauma-informed practice in aged care – practical strategies

Phoenix Australia is one of the organisations delivering trauma support to the aged care sector under the Aged Care COVID-19 grief and trauma response package. They are hosting a free webinar that will explore how trauma-informed care can be introduced throughout the aged care sector to better support older people affected by trauma.

Engaging in trauma informed care training may help you and your organisation to meet your obligations under the Aged Care Quality Standards.

Under the Quality Standards, providers are required to treat aged care recipients with dignity and respect (Quality Standard 1). The Standards also require providers to ensure that aged care recipients get personal care, clinical care (or both), that is safe and right for them (Quality Standard 3).

Planning for an aged care recipient’s past trauma will help you to embed safe and inclusive practices in how you deliver care and services and provide more tailored care appropriate for that individual, that keeps both care givers and the recipient safe.

In addition, the Royal Commission’s final report also includes trauma-informed service delivery as a common theme, including a recommendation that training on trauma-informed service delivery be provided for all workers who come in contact with people seeking or receiving services in the aged care system.

What will the session cover? A panel of trauma experts and advocates for older Australians will introduce the principles of trauma-informed practice in an aged care context and discuss a range of practical strategies that individuals and organisations can consider when introducing this approach.

When: 4.00-5.00pm (AEST), Wednesday 28 April 2021

Who should attend?

  • Aged care sector staff including personal care workers, clinical, nursing, allied health, and wellbeing staff, and leaders and managers  
  • Aged care peak bodies staff

To register:

More information and downloadable resources are available on the Aged Care COVID-19 Grief and Trauma Response Package website. The webinar will be recorded, and will be available for future viewing along with other trauma support resources for aged care at the Phoenix Australia Trauma & Aged Care Support and Information Hub.

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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