Published 26th May 2020
This guide is for providers of aged care and disability services who offer home care and support services to older people living at home and people with disability living in the community. It provides information and guidance on how to stay safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).
The guide can be found here.
COTA Australia, Dementia Australia, National Seniors Australia and OPAN will jointly convene a webinar for the public on the renamed ‘Industry Code for Visiting Residential Aged Care Homes’ on Wednesday 27 May at 12pm AEST.
The final Code includes the respective rights and responsibilities of providers, residents and visitors. It outlines that homes should allow residents to meet their visitors in a way that minimises the risk of COVID-19’s introduction to, or spread within, a residential care home.
The webinar will provide an opportunity for residents, families, friends and representatives to provide feedback, raise concerns, ask questions and request revisions to the code.
To participate in the Webinar click here.
The final Code is available here.
The Infection Control Expert Group’s (ICEG) guidelines for community and hospital care have changed. ‘Excessive coughing' is no longer considered an aerosol generating procedure. Healthcare workers, and where possible patients, should wear a surgical mask. This will adequately protect against infection where excessive coughing is present. This is because coughing generates large droplet particles. These particles travel a short distance and settle, rather than remain in the air.
Updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidelines for infection prevention and control in residential care facilities is available here.
COVID-19 Guide for Home Care Providers
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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