Published 25th June 2020
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) has provided updated advice on restrictions on entry into residential aged care facilities (RACFs) during COVID-19. AHPPC considers the personal welfare and mental health of residents to be of vital importance.
Key changes to the recommended advice on visitor restrictions include:
External excursions for groups of residents is still not recommended by AHPPC. However, residents should be permitted to leave the facility to attend small family gatherings.
AHPPC continues to advise that only visitors and staff who have been vaccinated against influenza may enter a facility. RACFs should also continue to undertake health symptom screening of all people entering the facility.
AHPPC recommends that facilities return to a higher level of protection, such as restricting visits, if there are recent cases of COVID-19 acquired in the local vicinity of the facility.
Service providers should stay up to date with the visitor restriction directions in their State or Territory as many of these directions are now being revised.
The grant opportunity round for the Aged Care Workforce Retention Bonus Payment is now open. All information regarding this grant opportunity can be found on the GrantConnect website and search for GO ID of GO4068.
In addition, we have released frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide further information:
For any provider enquires on the application please email .
There have been a number of funding announcements and new initiatives to support aged care providers during COVID-19. Below is a brief summary of some of these measures to remind aged care providers what resources could support them during COVID-19, and where to find further information.
The COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program: This $52.9 million grant opportunity reimburses approved aged care providers for eligible expenditure incurred managing the direct impacts of COVID-19 in the period 24 February 2020 and 31 May 2021. The program is open for applications. To apply or find out more information about this grant visit the GrantConnect website and search for GO3844 COVID19 - Aged Care Support Program.
The Workforce Retention Bonus Grant: This $234.9 million grant opportunity will be paid by employers (aged care providers and agencies who provide aged care staff) to their eligible staff. The grant opportunity opened on 15 June 2020 and will close on 20 July 2020. First payments will be made to providers and agencies in July 2020. All information regarding this grant opportunity can be found on the GrantConnect website using the GO ID of GO4068.
Emergency Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Grant funding: The Government committed $70.2 million to help fund short-term support for CHSP service providers to continue delivering services to older Australians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An additional $50 million in funding is also available for CHSP providers who deliver CHSP meal services.
More information about this funding opportunity is available in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines or through your Funding Arrangement Manager.
COVID-19 support payment to residential aged care providers: Announced on 1 May 2020, $205 million has been allocated to fund one-off lump sum COVID-19 support payments to residential care providers. The payment commenced in June.
Temporary increase to residential care subsidy: All residential care providers are receiving a portion of an additional $78.3 million. This is being administered through an uplift to subsidies paid through the Aged Care Funding Instrument from 1 March 2020 to 31 August 2020.
Temporary increase to viability and homeless supplements: There is also $26.9 million in funding for a temporary 30% increase to the Residential and Home Care Viability Supplements and the Homeless supplement. Funding has effect from 1 March 2020 to 31 August 2020.
Temporary increase to home care package subsidies: $22 million in funding has been allocated for a temporary increase in home care package subsidies to support
Source:Unknown Author, 2020, Department of Health
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