Published 8th June 2021
In light of the developing situation in Victoria, the department is hosting a webinar as a timely reminder for the aged care sector on the importance of maintaining Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practices to protect aged care residents and staff, and encouraging aged care workers to get vaccinated.
Presenters at the webinar will include:
Date: Thursday, June 3 2021 Time: 9:00 am to 9:45 am AEST Cost: FREE
You do not need to RSVP for the webinar, and there is no limit to the number of participants.
To participate in a the live webinar, follow these steps:
More information can be found on the department’s website and a video of the webinar will be available on-demand on Friday afternoon with captions and transcript to follow.
Elder Rights Advocacy and the Older Persons Advocacy Network invite older people living in residential aged care in Victoria and their families to a Zoom meeting at 12pm Thursday 3 June.
This meeting will allow you to ask questions you may have about the outbreak and how it affects you and your older family members.
You can ask questions of:
Please register for the event here.
Victorian aged care workers have prioritised access in vaccine centres from 9am-4pm from 2 June – 6 June.
Aged care and disability care workers are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine now. Workers will be vaccinated quickly during peak periods and do not need to book.
Bring your Medicare care, photo ID and proof of occupation (such as your work ID card, letter from your employer or a completed Eligibility Declaration Form) to any of the vaccination centres providing priority access.
The vaccine is safe, effective and free. Please read information for aged care workers about vaccines, including preparing for your vaccine, consent and what to do afterwards.
Queensland Health strongly encourages anyone working in the residential aged care sector to obtain their COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible.
To support the aged care sector, the Queensland Government is taking a more active role in the vaccination of residential aged care workers.
The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is now available to all Phase 1a and 1b frontline workers in Queensland regardless of age via Queensland Health vaccination clinics. This includes residential aged care workers.
How to book your vaccination
Register your interest Step 1: Click the link Register your Interest and enter your personal details. Step 2: Select the cohort titled ‘Residential Aged Care Worker’. It is not mandatory to enter your Medicare number or a registration code. Step 3: You will be sent an email confirming your registration
Book your appointment Once you have registered your interest, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to book an appointment when clinic time and vaccine is available.
IMPORTANT: For those over 50 wishing to receive Pfizer/BioNTech they must select a vaccination clinic available to ‘all ages’ or ‘under 50’ when they make their booking.
Information about the vaccine, what to expect on the day of your vaccination and how Queensland Health is committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality can be found here.
For more information about the COVID-19 vaccine program, please visit the Queensland Health website.
SA Health has advised that effective from Saturday 7.45pm, 28 May 2021, the Emergency Management (Cross Border Travel – Associated Direction No 14) was revoked and the Emergency Management (Cross Border Travel – Associated Direction No 15) came in to effect, these changes include:
NOTE: Cross Border Community Members – persons who are ordinarily residents in the cross border corridor (the area 70 km either side of the border between South Australia and Victoria) are without restrictions if they have not been outside this area in the 14 days prior (but not before 20 May 2021).
Due to the developing nature of the Victorian outbreak, multiple Associated Directions have been published. These do not apply retroactively and previous directions still apply to people who arrived in South Australia within the last 14 days.
Further information about COVID-19 and Aged Care is available on the SA Health website.
If you have a confirmed case in your facility please visit the our website for information and resources to assist in preparing and managing a COVID-19 outbreak, including what to do in the first 24 hours of an outbreak in a residential aged care facility.
The first 24 hours in the management of a confirmed COVID-19 case in a residential aged care facility (RACF) is critical to minimise the spread of the virus. Following the identification of a COVID-19 positive case in either a resident or a staff member RACFs should follow the steps in the checklist in conjunction with your COVID Outbreak Management Plan to minimise the spread of the virus
Immediately notify your state or territory PHU. It will coordinate the public health response to the outbreak.
You can find contact details and websites of local state and territory health departments here.
must also notify the Commonwealth Department of Health at of any care recipient or staff COVID-19 cases. The Commonwealth will appoint a dedicated case manager to connect you with resources to manage the outbreak. Resources include PPE, surge workforce, supplementary testing, and access to primary and allied health care.
There are some steps you should take to keep your staff and care recipients safe from COVID-19. Full details are in the COVID-19 guide for home care providers.
Source:Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (
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