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Protecting Older Australians - COVID-19 Update 1 July 2021


In the event of an outbreak

In the event of an outbreak in aged care, Australian Government Department of Health Case Managers would be allocated to any New South Wales Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak. The Case Managers will work with the RACF to ensure:

  • Workforce capacity;
  • Application of infection prevention and control measures;
  • Adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • Waste procedures are in place, and
  • Communication with family and friends associated with the RACF residents.

Residential aged care providers need to remain alert and prepared for a potential outbreak of COVID-19 at their facilities. The department encourages you to be familiar with the measures you should have in place at all times to prevent and prepare for an outbreak and how to identify and manage an outbreak in residential aged care.

Please visit our website for information and resources to assist in preparing and managing a COVID-19 outbreak, including what to do in the first 24 hours of an outbreak in a residential aged care facility.

Who to notify if you have a confirmed case

You must contact your state or territory public health unit immediately to report positive COVID-19 cases in either staff members or care recipients.

  • Australian Capital Territory – (02) 5124 9213 After Hours: 02 9962 4155
  • New South Wales – 1300 066 055
  • Northern Territory – 08 8922 8044
  • Queensland – 13 432 584 (13 HEALTH)
  • South Australia – 1300 232 272
  • Tasmania – 1800 671 738
  • Victoria – 1300 651 160
  • Western Australia – 08 9222 8588 or 08 6373 2222 (if confirmed COVID-19)

All aged care providers should also immediately notify positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test results by email to the Australian Department of Health: .


NT CHO Updated directions for Alice Springs

Please see the CHO Directions (No.21) Directions to lock down Alice Springs and CHO Directions (No.22) Directions to close places, activities and services in Alice Springs signed by the Chief Health Officer (CHO) 30 June 2021 at 12:42pm and 12:43pm respectively.

These directions took effect immediately and expire at 1pm on 3 July 2021.

The Directions include:

  • No visitors are permitted to enter aged care facilities, unless attending for end of life support. Persons who are permitted to enter are:Masks must be worn by workers on the premises and by residents who are outside of their room unless the resident has a medical reason not to wear a mask.

    • Workers
    • Persons providing goods or services necessary for the operation of the facility
    • Persons providing health, medical or pharmaceutical goods or services to a resident, including vaccinations
    • Persons required for emergency management or law enforcement
    • A legal practitioner providing legal services to a resident regarding end of life matters if the services cannot be provided remotely.
  • Residents and workers are subject to testing as required by the CHO.

If you have symptoms regardless of where you are living, you are urged to get tested and stay isolated until you receive a negative result.

This information can change rapidly so please check the NT Health website regularly for updates.

A 24-hour hotline has been established by NT Health to provide information about the lockdown arrangements, call 1800 193 111.


State and territory aged care COVID-19 information

As the COVID-19 situation can change rapidly, aged care providers are reminded to stay up to date on visitor restrictions, PPE requirements and other measures relating to COVID-19 in aged care, from their relevant state or territory website below:

Unknown Author, 2021, Department of Health (

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